Long time no talk!
We’ve have been on the road for almost a year now (exactly 325 days and counting) and it looks like we’re gonna keep on trucking for a bit longer. You might’ve heard the news, but we recently bought a house! Well, technically a motor home, but regardless, we’re now (motor)homeowners! When our Schengen Area visas ran out, we left the island paradise of Crete and flew to Santiago, Chile to start hunting for a new set of wheels.
Rocinante, our 2001 Sportsmobile 4x4 beastie, is going to take us all the way home to California, but first, we’re making a detour to Patagonia and Ushuaia: The End of the World. We’ve been camping all around the beautiful mountains of Chile and Argentina, caravaning with other like minded overlanders, learning the ropes and trying to find the limits of Rocin’s suspension (so far it seems there’s nothing it can’t handle).
This last year we’ve:
Motorbiked the length of Vietnam from Saigon to Hanoi
Rode horses through the Kharkhorin Valley in Mongolia, and 4x4'd the Gobi Desert in search of dinosaur bones
Climbed 20 towers of the Great Wall of China
Spent 10 days exploring Bali and Lombok with Justin
Visited Ryan's ancestral lands of Achill Island in Ireland with his family
Saw all the art at the Venice Biennale
Explored the lost city of Pompeii with Melody
as well as:
- Swam the breathtaking waterfalls and lakes of Australia’s Top End
- Went to a bush rodeo in Mataranka
- Eaten our weight in noodles in Georgetown, Malaysia
- Drove the length of Croatia and swam every day in the Mediterranean
- Danced until sunrise in the famous Berlin night clubs
- Surfed Munich’s Eisbach standing wave
- Bicycled along the Siene and climbed the Eiffel Tower
- Walked across all the bridges between Buda and Pest
- Hiked the in the Austrian Alps
- Saw our wonderful friends Sha and Gaia tie the knot in southern Italy
- Drank Aperol spritzes in Milan
- Swam in all the secret caves of Lecce and watched the fireworks in Matera
- Hiked the Samariá Gorge of Crete
- Ate ramen for every meal in Tokyo
- Climbed an active volcano in Chile
- Scuba dived with whalesharks in Thailand
- Surfed the famous breaks of Bali and Lombok in Indonesia
- Watched sunset and sunrise from the temples of Angkor in Cambodia
And now we’re eating amazing asado (barbeque) in Argentina!
We’ve visited 19 countries so far and we’ve still got more to go as we drive north up the PanAmerican Highway, the longest road in the world.

we love you! see you on the other side!
remember, we’re on Instagram! @theretoday @ryanorban @theaceae